Thursday, September 15, 2011

wind taken from sails from lose of sale...

Well I woke up to a call from the dude who said he would be buying my appliances and he backed out of the sale. I am only slightly discouraged as I have found a great group on the Facebooks for people who want to sell stuff.  The site is booming in popularity and I should be able to sell everything on there, locally and with out scammers.

It's really hard to put a price on old junk. I am by no means sentimental about stuff but I sure do have a lot of it. I assume I have so much stuff because I see it and think it looks cool so I buy it but then I just put it in my room of random crap and the event horizon that I call my study grows in density. I look forward to burning some of that stuff, I am thinking that it will be cathartic to see old text books turn dust.

I have not heard from the RV dealer in a few days so I hope that no news is good news.

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